Sports Injury

bike Professional athletes are constantly reaching new heights in their professional careers. With each passing year, new records are shattered and the human body is pushed to its limits. Competitors train rigorously and take their diets to a new level every day. Yet despite the conscientious care and precautions that athletes follow, most experience musculoskeletal injuries at one time or another.

Chiropractors and Sports Injuries

Chiropractors are to athletes as cardiologists are to those who suffer from cardiovascular disease. Athletes who receive treatment from a medical doctor find themselves frequently benched and on the sidelines. Others play and then spend hours after the game icing their injuries and taking pain medication. This is because medical doctors do not treat the body as an integrated system, but rather treat each injury individually. Meanwhile, chiropractic treatment offers a balanced, holistic approach, by using spinal adjustments and physical therapy techniques to help the patient’s spine, joints, muscles, tendons, and ligaments return to their normal function.

soccer volleyball Spinal injuries can restrict range of motion, reduce strength, slow reflexes, shorten endurance, and decrease performance. Chiropractic care ensures that all pieces of the musculoskeletal system are working harmoniously in their healthiest, most natural state.

Professional athletes recognize tremendous value in chiropractic care because they realize that it helps them maximize athletic performance. Therefore, professional sports teams, Olympic trainers, and competitive athletes are employing chiropractic doctors - because they demand results. Whether you’re an athlete or weekend warrior, receiving chiropractic care will enable you to reach an optimum level of achievement without breaking yourself. In summary, many amateur and professional athletes wouldn't dream of competing without first getting a chiropractic spinal checkup.

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